Our Mission

To coordinate and execute rapid entangled whale responses in Orange County, provide experienced training to strengthen the network of responders and conduct public education to inspire marine conservation.

Our values

We are passionate about our efforts to minimize the suffering of entangled whales off the Orange County Coastline.

We believe the data gathered from entanglement gear can help with broader regional efforts to affect positive changes in the commercial fishing industry that will minimize opportunities for entanglement.

We strive to strengthen the relationships within the Orange County Whale Watch/Research community that will benefit all whales passing through the offshore waters of Southern California.

Our purpose

Our primary focus is to develop a strong network of whale disentanglement team members who rapidly respond to and mitigate whale entanglements in Orange County and neighboring response areas under the guidance of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

Drone program

Using drones in the whale disentanglement arena is an emerging and essential tool that significantly contributes to the mission's overall success. Operating a drone from a small vessel surrounded by water takes patience and training. The primary members of our drone team are FAA Part 107 licensed UAV Pilots with experience operating from marine vessels during whale entanglement events. Drone operators have proven indispensable in locating, tracking, and reporting on entanglement conditions. Their communication with the primary response vessel ensures that responders are positioned effectively when the whale surfaces, increasing the likelihood of a positive outcome. Tracking the whale from a distance also helps reduce stress on the whale. Most importantly, drone operations prioritize the safety of personnel and the whale's welfare, with drone operators playing a crucial role in this aspect.  All drone operations follow FAA guidelines for airspace and flight parameters. Check out some of our response videos here!

Meet our team